Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Makeing sock monkeys

This is charlotte my monkey I had so much fun makeing sockmonkeys every friday with Mrs D.

We got to name them and make them a person ps a monkey. Sockmonkeys are so fun you shou give it a go.

W.O.W costume

This term we have been learning about how to recycled stuff and reuse it. So before we even started to make are costume we went to the museum and had a look at all of  costume there. All of them had  been recycled.  There were some awesome ones my favourite was the Lady of the wood it was so cool! Our theme for our class and our buddy class was nurture.My group got inspired by the river.Next we had to plan are costume and list all of the equipment that we needed . Next we had to colled all of the stuff that we needed.  Then we stared to make are costume. It was somuch fun makeing are wow costume. Then it was time for show time I was so happy. Her is a pic of some wow.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Our Assembly

                                                    On 31st of may it was our Assembly yay!

                                            I was so excited to share my ode to the hole school.
                                    It was so funny when we were agreeing about which food was best I 
                                  chose bugers because that is what my ode was about.
                                      Everybody said there parts really well. We also 
                                                 shared our puppet plays and our puppets.
                                                     I had so much fun.                                    

Kiwi kids Quiz

For home learning today we had to do a quiz on kiwi kids.com. I got  9\10 which is 90%

I think  I did good.